You are free to help me with any kind of translation/work.
Finding typos, mistranslations or even making me notice that there are missing items in the project itself.
I welcome everything (less work for me).
Be sure to post it in the Discord in the #feedback channel.
I have made and uploaded a video to help you visually:
Text Editor Settings¶
Most files here, including itemInfo.lua, were edited by using Notepad++.
If you're interested in translating, the default settings of NPP aren't suited for editing itemInfo.lua,
because there are 4 type of fonts that came from 4 main official servers (kRO, jRO, twRO and iRO) that could break items' resource names.
Thus, you need to set up your NPP to:
1. Open Tab Settings > Preferences > New Document, then change Encoding to ANSI
2. Open Tab Settings > Preferences > MISC., then DESELECT Autodetect character encoding
That way, when you open itemInfo.lua for the first time, it should look like this:
Other things, like choice of font or style, are up to you.
Translation Layout¶
In case you still want to participate and got your Notepad++ or similar ready to go.
I would like to ask you to pretty much follow the format by downloading the translation_layout.txt.
If you have suggestions regarding the colorization, you can do that.